People wearing white gloves

Our Team

Here at WithU Emergency Dentist Melbourne, we’re dedicated to meeting (and exceeding) your urgent dental needs. Our skilled and experienced team is ready to support you through any dental emergency, welcoming you with open arms to our clinic.

Let’s introduce you to our team members, who are committed to restoring your smile (physically and emotionally!) in times of need.



Principal Dentist

Dr. Edward Lee, our lead emergency dentist at WithU Emergency Dentist Melbourne, stands out for his calm approach and compassionate emergency care. He’s more than just a dentist—he’s all about creating an environment of comfort and trust.

Dr. Edward is committed to fixing dental emergencies fast, tailoring treatments to meet your needs at the moment. He’s always pursuing the latest knowledge on advanced emergency dental techniques, making him a pillar of reliability in any critical care situations.



Senior Dental Assistant

Faith, our leading nurse, provides gentle and compassionate care tailored to your specific emergency situation. Alongside Dr. Lee, she contributes to the Dental Influence Education Centre, teaching others about emergency dental care. Her expertise and dedication play a huge role in providing swift, empathetic care in your time of need.


Head Receptionist & Social Media Manager

Ash is the first person you’ll speak to or see when you reach out for emergency dental care. With a welcoming smile and a warm attitude, she’s an appointment ninja, making sure your dental needs are met without delay. Her 6 years in reception and administration, combined with a diploma in business, make her an essential part of our emergency response team, streamlining your care process from start to finish.